
My Addictions

I was reminded this morning of how much we all have in common. You probably opened this blog to find out what I was coming clean about. Does he have an alcohol or drug addiction, is he hooked on internet pornography - what is the juicy scoop? If that is your only motivation - shame on you. If you logged in to what was going on and how you could help -  God bless you!

The truth is I have lots of struggles in my life: pride, arrogance, a judgmental spirit. Like most men I have to be very careful about lust, greed and selfish-ambition. Are they addictions - I don't think so, but as David said, "my sins are ever before me."

No, this post is about the power of transparency. I have a friend who is at a challenging place in her life and she was open enough to share her struggles and her failures with her Facebook community. It was amazing in a matter of minutes how many people came to her side. They shared their own struggles and offered prayers and support in her time of need.

We only rob ourselves of friendship, fellowship, love and support when we keep our cares and worries to ourselves. Occassionally I get a nice note from someone thanking me for my openness and transparency, as if I was doing the world some kind of favor. The truth is I am the benificiary when I put away the pretense and open my life to those who love me.

1 comment:

jr said...

Amen, my friend!! Transparency in struggles... feelings...dreams, etc AND in admiration! We often forget what power our words have... both for good or for bad. Power for comfort and healing either in calling for help or in giving it. thanks... you're always an inspiration to me --- but don't get the big head. LOL