
Free at Last

I can't imagine what life was like for the former slaves following the Civil War. They had been set free from bondage, oppression and in many cases the harshest of conditions, but now what would they do? Where would they go? Where would they find work? How would they provide for their families and deal with the prejudice, anger and hatred of so many?

On the surface freedom sounds like a great thing, but it comes with a really high price. We watch our children struggle as we cut the apron strings and let them begin experiencing life on their own. They are thrust into a world of responsibility (for their jobs, their rent, their car payment,etc). Suddenly, the oppression of parents may look good compared to this new-found freedom.

Now draw that parallel to being free in Christ. Sounds great, the shackles of sin have been removed and I am free to live as I want.  Oops, not to live as I want, but as I should and as I must. Suddenly there are expectations for my life, I have to set an example, some of those who loved me most may even have unreal expectations for how I live. There are classes to teach, worship services to attend, the hungry to feed. WOW, maybe freedom isn't such a good thing after all. Those old chains of sin can start looking pretty appealing.

There is a gap that exists for many between the freedom they experience in Christ and their departure from the world. Just like our children who will crash land the first time they spread their wings to fly, so will our newly born brothers and sisters in Christ.

True freedom only comes when we understand the corresponding responsibility that goes with it.

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