

I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone for following the Untethered blog. It simply amazes me how many people are searching for that inner freedom that only comes when we remove the restraints of life and really live.

If you noticed the image above, that is our new logo design for all the untethered blogs, gear, and excursions that will follow. Special thanks to Sorrel Dugan for doing the design work. She is an exceptional artist, seamstress and designer. You really need to check her blog out at:


In the coming months we will have two exciting things coming your way:

  1. The first will be our initial T-shirt design. We are working with a lot of ideas and images, so I may post somethings soon, and take a vote.
  2. The second is an Untethered Excursion. Having decided if this is a back to nature hiking / camping trip, a motorcycle rally, or an Untethered cruise.
Stay Tuned!
Stay Positive!
Stay Motivated!

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