
Friendships Past

I was recently reminded why God gives us friends and encourages us to build relationships. There are so many positive elements in life that come from even the most casual inter-actions.

I recently had an opportunity to catch up with friends I haven't seen in 30 years - it was as if time stood still. We all looked fabulous (thanks to fading vision), and we all had some great stories to tell.

So on the lighter side of today's blogopshere, here are some lessons from friendships past.

1. The Stories! Even those that have been embelished with time are fun to recount. So many smiles, so many crazy times, so much fun to remember. All someone has to say is, "Do you remember when . . ." and the lies and fabrications start to fly (at least as they pertain to things I allegedly participated in).

2. You can't run away from your past. There are so many things that I thought had faded away with the passage of time - until I cross paths with my past. Embarrasing moments, the first kiss (oh, those are the same?), pranks and practical jokes; just more of those "do you remember when moments."

3. You have somewhere to run to. One thing we all have in common is a history. Sometimes it is a beautiful manifestation of your great accomplishments, other times its the bitter tragedy of defeat. As I have walked with and watched the lives of my old friends, it is amazing how quickly we all come to the aid of one another. A spare bedroom, a word of encouragement, and emotional support are always available. In these cases the words, "if you ever need anything" really do matter.

4. There are little pieces of ourselves scattered across the globe. Our connection sand inter-actions with others changes their lives (hopefully for the better). Wherever we go, whoever we meet, the lives we touch are changed forever.

5. Friendships bring moments of deeper contemplation. There are all those "what if" moments. What if I would have pursued this relationship, or what if I had never met that person? It gives us a chance to see how our lives have changed and rumenate about what might have been.

So on this Friday, April 9, 2010 I offer a toast to all my old friends (and those I have yet to make). May your life be filled with friendships that encourage, uplift and restore your soul. May you walk in the light of blessed relationships and live in the sunshine of friendships past and present.


Anonymous said...

Bits and pieces, bits and pieces. The best parts of me have connection to MDYC and MCC... thanks for being an inspiring and wonderful bit and piece of my life. Friday was really great, wasn't it... ? :-)

Mona =) said...

Bits and Pieces is absolutely right! I thank God everyday for the bits and pieces of each of you that have enriched and blessed my life! And yes...Friday was great and I pray that we continue to make more of those "great Friday's" happen...Thanks Trent for being a wonderful friend and you are such a blessing to so many!! =)