
Restless Hearts

Why are some people given to wanderlust and others find refuge in safe harbors along the coasts of life? What is it in our upbringing, our DNA, our psyche that drives the wanderer?

I used to think that it was a search for adventure. Traveling to far off countries, experiencing new cultures, and cataloging new experiences, but I realized there is more to it than travel. My pilgrim roots go far deeper than my geographical wanderings. I find I am easily seduced to by a new idea, a bold revelation, a new opportunity. Complacency, ritual and rote behavior eat at me like a cancer. Put me in an office for 8 hours a day, or worse yet - stick me on an assembly line attaching some gadget to a new Toyota and I would soon be locked away in some Charter Hospital.

My heart is always in motion, restless, longing for adventure, seeking new worlds and opportunities. There are days I feel like a wild stallion who has had a bit forced into his mouth. I strain against the world's attempt to tame and domesticate me. I want to run free - to feel the wind blow through my hair (what is left of it), to climb Everest and then sail around the world.

You can't contain a restless heart. The best you can do is to steer it responsibly, point it in the direction that contributes to others and isn't spent on selfish ambition. So, as I sit in a cold, drab cubicle on a Friday morning I am forced to comtemplate - what is my next great adventure?

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