
Pick your battles

A lot of my posts don't sit well with some people. I have had to come to terms with the fact that if I speak my mind, some people are not going to like what comes out. I can live with that! There were times (especially when I was in full-time ministry), I was too eager to please others. I realized I actually did people a disservice by not speaking out on some issues.

How do you reach a point where you can throw caution to the wind and say what you believe? In some jobs and some circumstances it is very difficult to be true to what you believe. For example:
  • Is it a sin for a Christian to have a glass of wine at dinner?
  • Is Sunday night service a tradition that needs to be reviewed, perhaps even changed?
  • Is it wrong for a Christian to be pierced, tattoed or dress in an alternative (yet modest) way?
Now the fun begins. I believe these questions can be answered through some of the following observations. How do we draw our conclusions and how do we impose them on others?
  1. Is the topic one that has a clear biblical teaching. Is there a "thou shalt, or thou shalt not...?"
  2. Is it a topic that is a "principle" teaching. In other words do certain principles of godly living apply that help us determine an appropriate action or behavior?
  3. Is it a matter of judgment and opinion? If so, is there more than one right answer?
How we view topics such as these are important, not only to determine what we believe in relationship to our Christian walk, but also in how we tend to judge other people. I know those who judge others for homeschooling, or not homeschooling; for letting their kids get pierced or tattoed; for choosing a family outing over attending a gospel meeting (I know, I have gone to meddling).

I still have to pick my battles. Some topics are not worth the division and pain they will cause if the questions are raised. Sometimes I choose to fight because others are being judged and criticized for topics that are clearly matters of opinion.

Now, I would truly love to hear what you think?

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