
The Name Game

Are you a racists, bigot, right-wing radical, or left-wing nut job? An ad hominem argument (attacking the source rather than addressing the issue) can be a powerful tool in the right hands, and is often used to prejudice masses of people against a particular group or individual. The problem is in the fallacy of that type of argument. John may be a right-wing radical, but his philosophy of economic recovery could be perfectly logical and reasonable.  Cindy could very well be a left-wing nut job, but her proposal for public safety could be right on the mark.

When politics, or personal relationships denegrate down to the level of name calling; it derails people from the real issues at hand. Our government needs to have real, open discussions on the economy, job creation, immigration and national security without the name calling. I want to know if one person's ideas are better than the other. I am not a fan of our current adminstration, or most of their policies, but I will listen if they will stand up, be transparent and defend their ideas. How will another trillion dollars bring about recovery? What did you do wrong the first time? What are your specific, detailed plans to fix it? (btw, I am not in favor of more stimulus money being spent - I am simply saying I will listen if politicians will actually address their ideas in more detail).

We have two serious problems in politics and government administrations today:

1. The first is name calling when you find yourself on the hot seat. It is much easier to deflect attention if you can "blame the current woes on the last eight years." Stop the blame game and tell me what you are going to do.
2. Platitudes: We get a lot of glowing, glittering language of how some government program is going to save the world, improve National Defense, or jump start the economy. I want details! I am not a rocket scientist, but I'm not a moron either. Tell me exactly how you plan to get from point A to point B.

When I make a new proposal to my board of directors, they have lots of questions. Why should we spend this money on a new initiative? How will it work? What gaurantees can you offer for its success? What are the specific outcomes we can expect?

Isn't it interesting that the idea that led to the capping of the oil well in the Gulf may have come from an anonymous plumber.  We are not mindless masses of Lemmings who don't know anything. Listen to the people who sent you to office - we know what is best for America.

P.S. check out the "Contract from America" while you are at it.

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