

"A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it." Frank Lloyd Wright

There is a lot of talk bantered around about "civil rights" and "constitutional rights." Part of the problem we face in this country is an over-emphasis on our rights and too little attention is given to our eroding freedoms. I don't have a right to health care, government subsidies for my housing, welfare checks, or employment. The government is supposed to provide me the freedom of opportunity, not a free ride.
  • Opportunity to own land without the fear of imminent domain.
  • Opportunity to enjoy the fruits of my labor without the government holding their hand out for a check they didn't earn.
  • Opportunity to freely express my thoughts and ideas with having it called hate speech, or politically incorrect.
  • Opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As things stand now most working Americans spend nearly all of the first six months of the year enslaved to government. When you add up federal, state and local taxes, excise taxes, gas taxes, and all the hidden taxes referred to as fees, penalties and surcharges we work to support a growing social welfare system called the United States Governmenet.

Our founding fathers sought to free us from the burden of an over-reaching, over taxing, over-intruding government. It's time we reclaimed that freedom.

Trent Wheeler

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