
Are you sad?

O.K. so the Christmas lights are down, the days are shorter, the waistline a little bit wider and some people have gone into Seasonanal Affective Disorder (SAD). It seems like every year the mental health community has some new phobia they want to impose on society. I quit trying to keep up with all the acronyms a long time ago. ADD, then ADHD, OCD, SAD and then there is always good old fashion clinical depression.

I mean no offense to reputable professionals who treat people who are struggling, but the world of mental health is a multi-billion dollar industry and the truth of the matter is that I don't need another pill to dull my senses, or make me happy (some of you already think my senses are dull enough).

When it comes to the world of pychosis' I tend to be old school - get a grip and get on with your life. While there are certainly plenty of legitimate diagnosis of physical and mental disorders, there are also a lot of people looking for excuses to feel bad. Its rained the last three days so I feel moody, my boss barked at me in a management meeting so I have the right to take it out on my kids.

Back to my prescription for happiness - take control of your own life! Get a grip! Stop blaming and start taking responsibility. I believe Abraham Lincoln was rigtht, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

1 comment:

Kim said...

I agree with you on this. I recently broke my ankle--my mom said "bite the bullet" My parents have had this philosphy --"do it" "deal with it" "get it done" "the time you spend whining about it you could have got it done" I worked mental health for 11 years and all the excuses we have given people for say "this is who I am" has taken away from the people who really have problems they can do nothing about. I don't watch Dr. Phil but I do like his comment "How's that working for you?" Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." People need to take ownership for their own lives and decisions.