

"A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it." Frank Lloyd Wright

There is a lot of talk bantered around about "civil rights" and "constitutional rights." Part of the problem we face in this country is an over-emphasis on our rights and too little attention is given to our eroding freedoms. I don't have a right to health care, government subsidies for my housing, welfare checks, or employment. The government is supposed to provide me the freedom of opportunity, not a free ride.
  • Opportunity to own land without the fear of imminent domain.
  • Opportunity to enjoy the fruits of my labor without the government holding their hand out for a check they didn't earn.
  • Opportunity to freely express my thoughts and ideas with having it called hate speech, or politically incorrect.
  • Opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As things stand now most working Americans spend nearly all of the first six months of the year enslaved to government. When you add up federal, state and local taxes, excise taxes, gas taxes, and all the hidden taxes referred to as fees, penalties and surcharges we work to support a growing social welfare system called the United States Governmenet.

Our founding fathers sought to free us from the burden of an over-reaching, over taxing, over-intruding government. It's time we reclaimed that freedom.

Trent Wheeler



"They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea." Francis Bacon

Where would we be today without the adventurers? Columbus, Vespucci, and Cook braved the oceans to discover new worlds, cultures and economic prosperity for their mother countries. What if Columbus had accepted conventional wisdom that the world was flat? What if Copernicus had accepted religious tradition that the universe revolved around the sun? Great discovery only comes when we look beyond the known and dream of the unknown.

There is a divine spark in us that wants to stretch our imaginations to ends of the universe. It is this inherent drive that moved Kennedy to shoot for the moon and inspired the designers of the Hubble telescope. There are still new worlds to discover, dreams to pursue and destinations that can only be reached when we open the doors and windows of our imagination, dream great dreams and seek new visions.

Trent Wheeler


Set yourself free

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."  Michelangelo

What do you see when you look at that massive slab of stone that is your human potential? Do you see a masterpiece? Do you see the next great writer, artists, orator or maybe it's just being the best parent you can be.

Our ability to achieve personal greatness (as we define it), comes from our ability to dream. Too often we allow the world to beat us down. We are discouraged from dreaming great dreams. We are told that our dreams are impractical, unrealistic, or just plain foolish.

Look for the angel in that slab of stone! Carve away till you set your own masterpiece free! Live your dreams, fulfill your potential, set yourself free!


What others think!

Reputation is what others think about you, character is who you really are.

I don't know who first penned those words, but they are so very true. I spent a lot of my life worried about what people thought about me, worried about my reputation, worried if I would fit in the with the "in crowd." I was far too focused with my reputation, and didn't pay enough attention to my character.

I realized there is an interesting paradox that takes place in life. I can focus on having a good reputation and end up with a lousy character. You tend to compromise when you worry about what other people think. You find yourself living according to their standards and expectations rather than a core set of values.

On the other hand, if you live according to your values and you are true to yourself, your reputation may suffer. Speak too clearly about what you believe, challenge political correctness, or simply speak your mind without apology and people will attack you. You're arrogant, self-centered, self-absorbed! If you really want to live a full and complete life, you need to quit allowing others to impose their values on you. Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you want to live an untethered life that has a strong foundation of character:
  1. Am I right in what I am doing? Not what do others think - but can I proceed in good conscience knowing I am doing the right thing?
  2. Are my decisions being driven by my core values, what I believe; or are they being influenced by my desire to please someone else?
  3. Am I willing to take responsibility for this decision. Whether it is a job, a religious or political view, or choosing how to live my life; will I take personal responsibilty for the fallout and not blame others for my choices?
Simply put - it is the man in the mirror test. Regardless of the fallout, the criticism, the opposition; can you look in the mirror and say, "I am doing the right thing."


Find something to do.

"Big jobs usually go to the men who have the ability to outgrow the small ones." Teddy Roosevelt

I still remember my first real job. I was doing grunt work at a food plant where my dad worked. One day after lunch I was sitting on a loading dock waiting for my boss to come tell me what to do next when I heard a loud, gruff voice shout out, "Get off your ____ and find something to do." My father wasn't particularly gentle when it came to crossing certain lines of expectation.

I hate to hear people whine about how bad life is (especially when they are sitting around doing nothing). I am not a fan of the social welfare system, or any system that gives people something they are perfectly capabale of working for.

Everyone wants the executive office, the promotion, or they have the next great idea that will change the way we slice bread, but so few people are willing to take responsibility for their dreams. You want to live your dream, you want to have an exceptional life - then get up and find something to do. Take at least one practical step in the direction of your dreams. Still struggling? Here are a few ideas:
  1. Take 10 minutes today to write down your dreams.
  2. Make a list of some of the things it will take to reach your dreams.
  3. Accomplish at least one small item on that list. It may be as simple as avoiding Starbucks and putting that $5.00 in a savings account.
If you truly want to succeed, you need to take charge of today. You are the one who can make it happen.


We the People

I pray it is not lost on the politicos in Washington D.C. what took place last night. I listened for hours while democrats and republicans both tried to spin the outcome of the Senatorial election to promote their political leanings.

Scott Brown's victory in Massachusett was not a republican victory, neither was it a democrat defeat. It was a victory of the people of Massachusetts and a victory of the people of the United States. While there are many issues on the table (i.e. healthcare reform, big government, and our national debt), the real issue is that the average guy is tired of his voice not being heard in Washington. This is what is driving the Tea Party Movement and this is what drove the election last night.

The backroom deals, hiding legislation from the light of day, going back on your promises is no longer an acceptable way to do business for the American people. This country is divided on healthcare reform, we are divided on what the role of government is in social policy, but we are united in our desire to see accountability in government.

The democrats are mistaken if they think they can shove big government down the throats of the American people with unfunded mandates. The republicans are also mistaken if they think they can do business as usual and play the blame game. Scott Brown was right about at least one thing last night, "its the people's seat." Right or left, conservative or liberal take note. The government of the United States belongs to the people. Whatever your political leanings, you better stop and listen - we have only just begun to fight.


Behold the Dreamer

"Behold the Dreamer." Those were the words his brother's spoke as Joseph approached them. I imagine it was pretty hard for them to swallow the idea that one day they would bow down before their younger brother, but that day would come.

Who stands in the way of your dreams? What obstacles will you have to overcome to stand on that mountain top and plant your flag of victory? Joseph did become second in charge of all the land of Egypt, his brothers did bow before him and he was responsible for the salvation of his people, but it was a long, hard road getting there.

Here was a man who was threatened and then sold into slavery by his brothers, his master's wife lied about supposed inmproprieties, he spent years in prison for a crime he did not commit. It would have been easy to get discouraged along the way. He could have quit and said, "this isn't what I signed up for."

So what was Joseph's key to victory and success? Two simple principles:
  1. Joseph never lost sight of God. It's tough when you are down and life kicks you in the teeth. Our faith wavers and our hardships seem to be more than we can bare. When that happens, remember the words of David, "I have never seen the righteous foresaken, or his seed begging bread" (Psalms 37:25).
  2. Do your best wherever you are. Whether he was a servant in Potipher's household, or a convict in a dark, cold prison - Joseph always put his best foot forward. In every case he was recognized for his efforts and it finally all paid off for him.
Never let anyone discourage you when it comes to your dreams. It is never too late to start. Watch upcoming blogs for those individuals who realized their dreams later in life.


It's Time to Begin

"I said to myself, I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me - shapes and ideas so near to me - so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn't occurred to me to put them down. I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught." Georgia O'Keefe

What is it that makes you unique? What sets you apart from the world? Have you buried the gifts that God has given you? I believe there is greatness and splendor in everyone. Our gift to the world is crying out to be freed and shared with everyone around us.

This week millions of people tuned into American Idol - not to be entertained, but down at the core of our being we see ourselves on a national stage. We too want to contribute something amazing to the world we live in. Why do we revel in the achievements of a Susan Boyle or a Paul Potts? They represent you and me.

Long before they were celebrities they were sweeping out the back rooms of office buildings, or feeling scorned because they didn't have the latest Coach purse. We love them because of their courage, their willingness to risk humiliation and failure to live their dream.

What are you waiting for? There is greatness in each of us. We were created in the image and likeness of God, we are endowed by our creator with unlimited potential, we have in the very core of our DNA something special to share with the world.

It's time to begin!


The purpose of your gifts

I like to do things my way! At times that means I can get a little full of myself, or irritate some people because they mistake self-confidence for arrogance and self-centeredness. Like many others, I am reminded that there is a larger world that needs our special gifts and talents.
Estimates are currently indicating that tens of thousands of people have lost their lives and millions have lost their homes and livelyhood in the earthquake that hit Haiti. I remember going to Honduras in 1988 when Hurricane Mitch devastated that country. The loss of human life and the devastation to an already impoverished country was overwhelming.

Today, there is a similar need for the world to rally to the aid of the people of Haiti, but more importantly there is a responsibility for each individual to do their part. Some can go and provide aid and assistance, others can provide financial help, for some it may simply be to approach God's throne of grace and ask for mercy and intercession for the people of Haiti.

Whatever gifts God has given you - now is the time to use them to help others. There will be time to pursue your own dreams, time to fill the void in your own life, for now it is time to stop and use your talents to help others who are unable to help themselves.


Whose in charge?

"I believe in  a benevolent dictatorship, as long as I am the dictator." Sir Richard Branson

There are two serious myths about entrepreneurship and they are paradoxical in nature. The first is that working for yourself means you don't have to answer to anyone - nothing could be farther from the truth. Every customer, every interpersonal relationship, everything you do will determine your success or failure. Being self employed simply means that rather than answering to one boss, you have many. You are now accountable to your clients, your employees, your family, everyone who is dependent on you running a successful venture.

The second myth is that even though you are in charge, you need to follow a pre-defined set of guidelines if you are to be successful. Most successful entrepreneurs and adventurers get past the first myth pretty quickly. Whether they are in business, or just adventure junkies, they realize their actions impact others. The second myth is more about what is in our DNA. You can't explain why conventional thinking may work for everyone else - but it doesn't work for you. You simply cannot and will not accept that flying around the world in a baloon, or starting a new telecommunications company just isn't possible.

It's this second group of people that generate the most change in the world. They create new music, establish whole new industries and explore new worlds. So when someone asks the question, "Who's in charge?" My answer is, "I am, but I still have a lot of people I answer to."


It's my fault

When was the last time you  heard someone say, "It's my fault; I did it; I am to blame." I am reminded of the old Happy Days episode where Fonzie couldn't get the words, "I'm wrong," out of his mouth.

There is a downside to living an untethered life, making your own rules, pushing boundaries and living on the edge - when things go wrong you can't point your finger at someone else. If you want a high level of personal freedom, don't expect someone else to bail you out when things don't go as planned.

I fear that too many of us want the freedom and liberty to live life on our own terms, but we don't want to accept the consequences that come as a result. Most of the people who made an impact on the world, challenged conventional thinking and took risks paid a price for the life they choose.
  • Churchill's courage and effort in saving England was rewarded by being voted out of office.
  • Sir William Wallace was tortured, executed and put on public display at age 34.
  • Nathan Hale was viewed as a hero by the American Revolution and a traitor by Britian.
  • Mark Cuban is viewed as arrogant, outspoken and self-centered.
The list could continue, but this is sufficient to make a point. You want to play by your own rules, you might alienate a few people, be viewed as an egomaniac, or simply face the consequences of standing on your principles. If you have the courage to pioneer new worlds, be prepared to take the arrows that may come your way.


Are you sad?

O.K. so the Christmas lights are down, the days are shorter, the waistline a little bit wider and some people have gone into Seasonanal Affective Disorder (SAD). It seems like every year the mental health community has some new phobia they want to impose on society. I quit trying to keep up with all the acronyms a long time ago. ADD, then ADHD, OCD, SAD and then there is always good old fashion clinical depression.

I mean no offense to reputable professionals who treat people who are struggling, but the world of mental health is a multi-billion dollar industry and the truth of the matter is that I don't need another pill to dull my senses, or make me happy (some of you already think my senses are dull enough).

When it comes to the world of pychosis' I tend to be old school - get a grip and get on with your life. While there are certainly plenty of legitimate diagnosis of physical and mental disorders, there are also a lot of people looking for excuses to feel bad. Its rained the last three days so I feel moody, my boss barked at me in a management meeting so I have the right to take it out on my kids.

Back to my prescription for happiness - take control of your own life! Get a grip! Stop blaming and start taking responsibility. I believe Abraham Lincoln was rigtht, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."


The Search for Contentment

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

This quote is part of a prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr, often referred to as The Serenity Prayer. Over the past couple of weeks I found myself dissecting the comments of Mr. Niebuhr with some apprehension. I always thought this was a profound and profitable statment, but lets look at the three main parts of this proposition.
  1. Accept the things I cannot change. Finding a place of peace and acceptance among the many things that run amok in our life is more than challenging. Accepting that I won't get a raise this year, or coming to terms with a failed venture is one thing. Living with abuse, harrassment, or any oppressive circumstance requires a completely different level of inner control. I have found as hard as I may try, there are some things I may never come to peace with in my life.
  2. Change the things I can. How easy that sounds in the soothing prose that Niebuhr wrote, but indeed, he is correct to say it takes courage. Do I accept that I didn't get that raise, or work harder in 2010? Was it my fault, or do I need to confront my boss and remind him of my accomplishments? Sometimes acceptance is really nothing more than a cloak of cowardice. We tell ourselves there is nothing we can do about a situation, so we accept and surrender rather than fight.
  3. The wisdom to know the difference. How many sleepless nights have I spent trying to decide how to handle a difficult situation? Is it better just to let sleeping dogs lie, or to confront my fears and step forward into battle? Wisdom, we should seek her like precious jewels or gold tried in the fire. Of the three propositions in Niebuhr's prayer wisdom is the most important. Knowing where to take a stand, when to challenge conventional thinking, how to change the small sections of eternity that are within our grasp is where the real battle is fought.
As I evaluate a new year, new opportunities and new challenges I accept Niebuhr's fundemental concept, but I struggle with its implementation. What battles will I choose to fight this year and which circumstances will I accept as unchangable? It is an interesting dilemma. Lord grant me the wisdom to know the difference.