
What HE said.

Jesus reminds us, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32). Far too many in our society view the idea of absolute truth as confining, restrictive and legalistic. The idea that someone would suggest there is an absolute right or wrong, good or evil, truth or error is offensive to many.

For just a minute look at the end of this verse! The truth shall make you free. Freedom, liberty, release from the bondage and oppression that plagues our lives - now that is an appealing concept. Why do some death row inmates finally confess, just before their lives are taken? They are seeking freedom from the guilt, pain and in many cases looking for insurance against the unknown.

Consider the sports world. Andy Pettit confesses to using performance enhancing drugs and the country quickly forgives him. Roger Clemons on the other hand has lost the respect of many and may find himself serving time in a Federal Prison.

There is a clarity that comes when we acknowledge there is an absolute set of standards that we should live by. Understanding truth frees me from the worries of political correctness, religious ambiguity and moral terpitude. I don't have to apologize for how I live, for I walk according to a higher standard.

I believe what HE said! The Bible is the standard for absolute truth. It is not subject to the whims of society, or the imposition of governments. I don't view it as a book of thou shalts, or thou shalt nots - I see it as the key that unlocks the shackles of sin and made me free.

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