

Boundaries are those troublesome obstacles that we want other people to live by. We set boundaries for our children, establish "personal space" in relationships, and put up walls for those that irritate or annoy us. Walls, boundaries, establishing our territory is all fine until someone wants us to live within the confines of their rules.

This is one of those sticky topics where I don't have any clear answers. I never liked rules. I war against those who try to tell me what to do or how to live. Don't tread on me! Don't fence me in! Don't tell me what to do! My personality leans strongly in the direction of Libertarian ideology, but my sensibilities don't. I realize what chaos, anarchy and confusion there would be without rules.

So for now, I continue in that endless struggle of doing what is right and doing what I please. I guess the answer is bringing those two concepts into harmony with one another.

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