

This year I have reconnected with a lot of old friends from the past. Re-establishing those old friendships has been a mixed blessing. While it is fun to recall all the high school antics, and remember the "good ole days," there has also been the reality that life is very uncertain.

At least three of my friends are having serious bouts with cancer, two are battling Lupus, and suddenly I am reminded that tomorrow is tenuous at best. I think this is one reason Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow...  Can worry make you live longer?   Can worry make you any taller? Don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. (Luke 12:25-34).

I think that all my travels to places far and wide have ruined me for any kind of "normal" life. Every year I long for a simpler existence. I have friends in Africa and Central America who are content with a small plot of land, their daily bread on the table and the simple necessities of life.

Today I road through the backroads around Nashville, soaked in the sunshine and thought about the simplicity of life when we cast off all the cares, worries and STUFF that consumes us. This week a friend reminded me of the simple pleasure of just laying out in the sunshine and how lucky we are to be able to stop and smell the roses.

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