
One Hour, One Day, One Life

Turn off the television!
Get off your butt!

We talk about it, dream about it, but how often do we really do anything about it? I know I am guilty of bemoaning the wasted days and hours of life. I have heard myself say, "If I had it all to do over again." Why are we all so reluctant to get out there and take the life we dream of? Fear, Doubt, what others might think - excuses, nothing but excuses.

Think about it! What can you accomplish in the next hour to get you closer to the life you envision for yourself? Sometimes its just simple things like NOT eating that donut you are craving, or turning off the television and reading a good book that has been sitting on your shelf for six months.

Granted, some things we dream of take time, money and planning, but even in those cases we have to ask ourselves "is what I am doing taking me closer to the life I want or father from it?"

What about today? What can you do today that is part of the life you dream of. Last night everyone was gone from the house. I brewed a cup of Jamacain Blue Mountain coffee, grabbed a great book and sat quietly by the fire for an hour and half and read in peace, quiet and solitude. That is almost as good as it gets.

One Life - thats it, no second chances to live today. You have one life to invest in others, one life to find happiness, one life to leave a legacy. This is the only life in which you can climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, run with the bulls in Pamplona, or sit by the fire with a cup of coffee and a good book.

Just for today - do at least one thing that is part of "dream life."

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