
Good Advice - Try it sometime

   I recently had a friend who has been out of work and like many has struggled to find their next job. It isn't because of lack of effort or desire, this individual is just one more casualty of our failed economy. In an attempt to be encouraging another friend suggested that they pursue their dream job - the one they actually went to college for. Being the skilled motivator that I am, I jumped on the bandwagon and seconded that idea. Now that is easy for those of us working, but over the past week I have struggled internally with a nagging voice in my head - "That's good advice Trent - why don't you try it sometime."

   Just under a year ago I sat down and laid out some ambitious goals. Most of them were the typical things we all hope for - get in better shape, work on my retirement and financial situation, but I also set some very personal and lofty goals that have been, for the most part dormant since last April. Just like my friend there have been lots of valid reasons for NOT doing some of the things I dream of, at least not today, but that nagging voice still haunts me saying, "why, what are you waiting for." Seriously? Let's see:
  • I have an obligation to my family.
  • I have bills that have to be paid.
  • I have a reputation to consider.
   There are plenty of additional items I could add to the list: doubt, fear, procrastination, but mostly I have had to stop and ask that really tough question - "How bad do you really want it?" When I decided to lose over 40 lbs. I finally came to the point I could answer that question. I was willing to change my eating, be miserable while trying to exercise and look ridiculous as that old fat man running down the street. I didn't care! I was tired of being old, fat and tired.

   Now my admonition to a friend has boomeranged and hit me right between the eyes. I was at the store today and met a lovely young lady named Kenya. We talked about her name and about Africa when she said to me, "As far back as I can remember, I have wanted to go to Kenya. Ever since I realized where my name came from, but I know it will probably never happen." I smiled and told her to never say that to herself again. I encouraged her to envision her flight to Nairobi and begin to talk about "WHEN I go to Kenya." I assured her that if she truly wanted to go, she could make it happen. She smiled the biggest smile and said, "I AM GOING TO KENYA." As I walked out of the store I think we were both inspired just a little.

   So physician heal thyself. My next book is about half finished, but will be completed by the end of February. That is just the first of a series of things that will happen this year. I will share the next one with you just as soon as the book is finished.

   This is one blog where I am not going to challenge you to join me, or give you some lofty ideal to follow. This about personal accountability. I am going to stop preaching, stop meddling, stop giving advice (at least for today) and try to take a little of my own. A friend, Rick Loy had this on his facebook page today, "What we do (behavior) is what we really believe. The rest is just talk or self-deception. Behavior reveals true priorities/values."

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