
Insights into human nature

I love to watch people. I don't mind going to the mall with my wife because I can just sit in the walkways and watch people pass. While it is interesting to see how couples go together (or at times wonder why they are together), the real entertainment comes in watching how people interact with one another.

Every day we give people insights to our character. It may how we react to a difficult situation, or something as simple as a comment we make about a television show. We often reveal our values without even being aware that we are doing so. This morning Fox News was doing a story on how men and women appear more intelligent the more modestly they are dressed. During segment the camera's where showing pictures of scantily clad women when one of the male reporters literally lost his train of thought. Amusing as it was, it was also revealing (no pun intended).

What do we communicate by the heroes or heroins we choose to immulate? What does our casual conversation tell other people about the things we value? How much time do we spend defending positions that are indefensable? We spend a good amount of our time communicate thoughts, ideas and belief systems without ever realizing the message we send to others. The real tragedy is that we communicate those messages because our value systems are all out of whack.

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