
For my children . . .

What  would you sacrifice for your children? I have been guilty of the same platitudes that we all engage in at times (i.e. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my children). I know I have said that more than once, but sadly, the truth is that I haven't always lived it. If I truly would do anything for the good of my children, I would have:
  •  been a better example to them in life and conduct.
  • I would have set higher standards for them to live by.
  • I would have set aside my own interests if I knew it was for their good.
  • I would have been more careful about thier friendships and the influences I allowed in tieir lives.
What is the old saying, "Hindsight is 20-20." It sure would be nice at times to go back knowing what I know today. I remember an older lady who took me aside when I was a new father and gave me some really good advice about raising children, just two or three simple instructions that guided a lot of my philosophy through the years. At times other more mature individuals added to those teachings and in almost every case it was good advice (mostly because they were lessons they learned by experience).

We all would change things if we had the opportunity to go back in time, but if I had one thing to change and one thing only it would be this - I would seek the counsel of those who had raised faithful, dedicated Christian children. Experience is a great teacher, but who says we have to learn from our own experiences (or even our own mistakes). I often plead with my children to learn from my mistakes, don't repeat them.

So to parents everywhere, especially those of you who truly love your children - seek the counsel of older, wiser and more experienced Christian parents. They have so much to offer and most of them are simply waiting to be asked.


When prayer falters and doubts ensue . . .

Most of you who read my blog know that I am an optimist - sometimes even to the point of being irritating. Most days I can overcome any obstacle thrown in my path, or put a positive spin on a lousy day. I am convinced that working in regions of the world where there is hunger, want and extreme poverty has a lot to do with being thankful for even the simplest things.

All that being said, where does the optimist go when he is having a really bad day? How do I muddle through when my prayer life feels weak and doubts are swirling all around? For most of my life this is pretty unfamiliar territory. That makes it that much harder when I have those moments of extreme weakness and doubt. I really don't exercise those spiritual muscles very often.

I share these thoughts with the world because I know I am not the only one who has these struggles. I learned a number of years ago that transparency not only brings about personal healing, but it encourages others to fight on. I am weak, sinful, and sometimes just a walking contradiction looking for some clarity.

So here I sit asking God for answers to some really hard questions in life and wondering what answers will come - if any (told you I had some doubts). He must really get tired of all those WHY questions we ask. Why is this happening to me? Why is life so unfair? Why don't you do something with this crazy mixed up world we live in?

There are no answers in tonight's blog. No placebo's to get you through a trying day. No five point plan to a successful life. Just a fellow pilgrim on a long and winding journey wondering what tomorrow will bring.


Insights into human nature

I love to watch people. I don't mind going to the mall with my wife because I can just sit in the walkways and watch people pass. While it is interesting to see how couples go together (or at times wonder why they are together), the real entertainment comes in watching how people interact with one another.

Every day we give people insights to our character. It may how we react to a difficult situation, or something as simple as a comment we make about a television show. We often reveal our values without even being aware that we are doing so. This morning Fox News was doing a story on how men and women appear more intelligent the more modestly they are dressed. During segment the camera's where showing pictures of scantily clad women when one of the male reporters literally lost his train of thought. Amusing as it was, it was also revealing (no pun intended).

What do we communicate by the heroes or heroins we choose to immulate? What does our casual conversation tell other people about the things we value? How much time do we spend defending positions that are indefensable? We spend a good amount of our time communicate thoughts, ideas and belief systems without ever realizing the message we send to others. The real tragedy is that we communicate those messages because our value systems are all out of whack.


Roadmap to Success

The best advice I ever recieved was from a dear friend who shared his secrets to success. At the end of each year he would evaluate each area of his business model to determine what was productive. After a careful review he would take the bottom 20% and remove it from his business plan for the coming year. It wasn't always that these areas were unproductive - they simply were the least productive areas of his business. Once that was accomplished he looked over new opportunities and selected what he believed where the best areas to add to his existing plan. Over a period of a few years my friend went from owing over six-figures to the IRS to being, well let's say - VERY COMFORTABLE.

Now it is time for me to take the same approach, not only to my business, but to my life. At age 52 I have become much more interested in the quality of life than I am the quanitity of things I can acquire. So as I look forward to 2012 I have to stop and ask myself what areas of my life are bringing me the most joy, and which areas are just taking wasted space in my day. These may sound trite and obvious - but it is amzing how quickly I can lose sight of my priorities and get caught up in the mundane.

Most Productive:
  • Time spent in Bible Study & Prayer
  • Time spent with my family
  • Time spent with friends and loved ones
  • Time spent in forwarding the mission of African Christian Schools
  • Focusing on diet an:d exercise
Least Productive:
  • Watching Television
  • Playing on Facebook
  • Playing Angry Birds
  • Worrying over things that won't make a lick of difference 50 years from now.
Things to incorporate into the coming year:
  • More time writing my blogs & books
  • More time spent in exercise
  • More time spent in reading good books that will improve my mind.
It all sounds really profound as I sit here on the first of November mulling over the past and making plans for the future, but it is amazingly difficult to implement. Plans are wonderful, goals are essential but EXECUTION is the key to success. So now I start the painful process of trying to execute my plans for Roadmap for 2012 - how about you join me for the ride?