
Why I go to church (or don't go sometimes).

The picture to your left is the reason I go to church. No, its more than the Spring Meadows Church of Christ that calls me to worship, but the things I experience when I am there. I have gone through a lot of different phases on my spiritual journey. There have been times I have just been plain tired, frustrated and discouraged. I have felt it would just be easier to stay home and get my religous fix from a wavy-haired tele-evangelist on a 42 inch flat panel screen.

As I look over my past I realize I have had lots of different motives for going to church. My parents made me attend, or deal with the consequences! I went out of fear, knowing that skipping church was the fast-track to a hell-fire and brimstone reprimand. I have heard "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together..." so many times I thought it was tattooed on my forehead. Then there was the guilt factor - I was the minister, I had to set the example, but I really didn't feel like dealing with the people.

So, for me it is time to be real about our worship time together. Why do I go to church - to experience God and the love of family. Sometimes I fear we so focus on "doing church" right that we leave the "Spirit" out of the spirit and truth passage (John 4:24). I am frankly tired of people using terms like "reverence" and "decently and in order" to choke the life out of our worship experience.

I understand that there are acceptable and unacceptable forms of worship. We have those who embrace every new idea and crazy ism. There are folks whose minds are so open their brains fell out. I also know that worship is to be experienced, cherished and shared. It is a time to rejoice, sing praises and pour out our spirits to God.

Why do I go to church? I go to be with my Father and spend a joyous time together with my family. The real point of this is not "why do I go, or not go" - but what draws others to worship and why should they stay.

Trent Wheeler