
Digital Fingerprints

I was reading a friends updates on facebook and getting a good laugh from the stuff they found on a used cell phone they purchased. It was a great reminder that just because we hit delete or erase, it doesn't mean that our information isn't being stored somewhere. My son just accepted his first full time position after college and his employers told him, "Be careful what you post on your Facebook account." Good Advice!

I am 51 years old and seen a lot of good days and bad. I have concerned myself at times about saying the right thing, and gone off the reservation on other occasions. I have reached a point in my life where I am content to say what needs to be said and let the chips fall where they may.

I don't care if my comments are politically incorrect. I am not particularly concerned whether or not my religious friends agree with all my views, or if I rattle a few cages. As long as I can look in the mirror in good conscience.

I spent too much of my life worrying about what people think, how it will affect my job or influence. As Shakespeare so eloquently said, "to thine own self be true." That is why my blog is titled, UNTETHERED. I am putting my digital fingerprint out in cyberspace, knowing it never truly goes away. I believe that is the hieght of honesty. Say what you mean and stand behind it.

So as my video blog is preparing to soon follow, be warned. You won't always like what I say, but you can rest assured it comes from a place of honest conviction. And while our views change, and positions shift over time, what you read will reflect my thoughts or position at a particular place in my personal history.

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