

I bow today in humble submission to the King of kings and Lord of lords. I am reminded of his fatherly presence in my life. Though I have walked in the path of the prodigal, sat in the seat of the scoffer, and revelled at times in my arrogance and disobedience - HE is always there.

Deep within the marrow of my bones I understand the foolish and fickle Israelites. As they stood at the seashore with the armies of Egypt nipping at their heals they felt hopeless and without escape. "Where shall we go, who will deliver us, it would have been better to be slaves in Israel, than to die in the wilderness." Hopelessness, fear and despair were simply the precursors of the majesty and deliverance of God Almighty. When we have no where else to turn, when the best efforts of men and angels cannot deliver us, it is there that my Father stands ready.
  • My God delivered Israel and destroyed 185,000 Assyrians!
  • He stopped the sun and suspended the course of nature.
  • He calmed the seas, delivered Peter from prison, and placed every enemy under his feet.
How small is my mind when I loose hope, lack trust, and lean on my own understanding? He subdued kingdoms, brought down the most powerful nations on earth, made kings of out shepherds, prophets out of farmers, rulers out of convicts and turned a band of common fishermen into voices that changed the world.

Great is our God who brings deliverance from places we do not know. Our God who reveals himself through the majesty of a phone call, or the tender embrace of a friend. He may part the sea to defeat the armies of our enemies, or lead us to a treasure hidden in a field. The only limitations in my deliverance are the smallness of my mind, the weakness of my faith, and the abandonment of my hope.

Great is my God.

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