The idea here is to share your thoughts on how to make ministries more relevant, or how as a church family we can improve our relationships, fellowship and outreach.
- Transparency. This needs to start with leaders who share their own hurts, struggles and challenges. When the leaders are open, the church is open.
- Acceptance. Somewhere along the way our response to people has become unbalanced. We say, "love the sinner, not the sin," but I am afraid we don't really practice it. Everyone is seeking love, acceptance and needs to belong.
- Liberty. I wrote on this not long ago. We all want liberty extended to us because we can handle it, but we don't trust others with the same freedoms.
- Forbearance. Sometimes we call it patience. The old KJV says, "love suffers long..." The ability to accept, be patient and allow people time to grow.
- Non-legalistic. That is the only way I could make that one word. We need to quit laying heavy burdens on other people. Too often we just make up laws because we think we know better than God how to run things.
- Humility. Isn't this life about bringing glory to God. Not the local church, not the preacher, not my awesome teaching style. It is only by the grace and mercy of God I am here and can do any of this.
- Teamwork. I will never understand why we are all so territorial when it comes to church work. MY education program, MY mission point, MY, MY, MY. Let's figure out how to bring it all together for the greater good of the kingdom.
- Kudos. Pat someone on the back every once in a while. While it is about glorifying God and working together, we all need our batteries charged now and again.
- Forgive. What greater gift can we give one another than a spirit of forgiveness. In this way we are more like Christ than almost any other thing we do.
- Relevant. If we are going to teach and instruct let's make it relevant. Give me some tools for my toolbox. Help me to understand how a book thousands of years old relates to me today (and it does). The Bible is relevant, its up to us to communicate that to the world.
Trent, I would commitment to the list. We must be committed personally to following God's Word. We must be committed to each other in encouraging and assisting our brothers and sisters in Christ in their daily walk. We must be committed to our partners in marriage....our children....etc., etc.
Tom C.
Commitment is a great addition - and it's not even an "O" word.
Thanks Tom
Love.....John 13:35 "By this all men shall know you are my disciples if you have love for one another". Genuine christian love for one another was high on Jesus' priority list.
Thx, D
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