
Getting to know God

There are days I love Facebook and days I hate it. It can be a wonderful resource, or a terrible evil - a lot depends on how you use it. Over the past few years Facebook has served as a great tool to reconnect with old friends, but it has also made me realize that I have lived at least 3 distinctive lives. There were my grade school days and my friends from that era. That was followed by college days when I moved away from Michigan for good and then there has been the rest of my life and all the twists and turns it has taken.

What does that have to do with "Knowing God?" I grew up going to church, but never fully understanding the importance of having a relationship with God. I did the things high school kids do (and they weren't always consistent with godly principles). So the friends that knew me then have a certain perspective on my life. Some are somewhat perplexed that I landed in ministry and faith-based endeavors.

In college I vacillated between trying to find my Christian identity and hanging on to some old behaviors. I recall one of my love interests telling me - "you aren't cut out for ministry." By the time I graduated, my faith began to take root. I have struggled through the years with doubts, fears and personal failings, but God has always been an anchor to keep my life centered.

All that brings me back to Facebook. I am still a work in progress. I have the good fortune of having true friends that date back to my earliest childhood. I want them all to develop a relationship with God. Not just say, "I believe in God," but to really get to know him. Finding the language to communicate that to such a diverse group of friends is challenging.

In this blog (and to some degree in my life) I try more and more to be transparent. I don't want to be the "religious guy" that people with real problems can't relate to. I am also unwilling to compromise my core beliefs just to be able to relate. That only leaves me with one option!!!

To be who I am and allow the world to peek in the windows. I am a weak, failed struggling child of God. At times I sense His disappointment with me, but I am thankful for forgiveness and mercy. To all my friends past and present I would say, "make the effort to get to know God. I know you aren't perfect, you may not feel you are the religious, church going type, but His presence in your life is sustaining, nurturing and compassionate. However you remember me, I hope you can understand this - God loved me when I messed up, He loved me when I stumbled, He loves me still today with all my sin, weakness and failings.

The really great thing is - He Loves You Too!

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