
Lost in something bigger than me . .

My life has taken me all over the map (personally, spiritually as well as geographically). As I look back at my highs and lows, I find it interesting that the most rewarding times, the times I found the most peace and personal fulfillment where those times I was lost in something bigger than myself.

I remember the joyous faces of small children as we handed out shoes in a small village in Honduras, teenagers who got their first look at how most of the world lives and sleeping through hot African summers without a hint of air conditioning, or even the simplest creature comforts. Those were good times!!!

So if happiness and fulfillment come from something other than flat panel televisions, Iphones, or Lexus convertables why are we all so hell-bent on having more stuff. Once we get them we have to insure them, clean them, service them and and worry about them. Don't scratch the leather interior, don't leave fingerprints on the t.v. screen, and then there are the pesky finance charges.

I always tried to tell my kids, "people are more important than things." Last week I took 15 minutes out of my schedule and went to visit a friend's mother in an assisted living facility. You would have thought I offered my first-born on an altar of fire. Not only did her mom appreciate the visit, but she flooded me with compliments and appreciation.  Can't buy that with a shiney new dollar.

So, I find myself once again at the crossroads of life, hoping this time I am a little wiser. I think God has spent the past five decades preparing me to loose myself in something better.

1 comment:

Dale's Spot said...

Thanks Trent...you are a great writer. I was carried along in this post and moved by it.
