Yesterday was a day of clarity, one of those salient moments when God reveals himself in all his glory. The overwhelming sense of security and confidence brings reassurance and hope as we weave through the struggles of life. Like many before me, I run the risk of that emotional and spiritual high being followed by a devastating low.
Elijah had just defeated the prophets of Baal when he fled to the wilderness fearful and depressed. He felt alone in his battle for righteousness and for a time the fatigue and opposition blinded him to what God was doing.
Today I am just dog-tired. I feel as though every last ounce of my energy has been sucked out of me. If I am not careful, I can fall into the same dejected state that Elijah found himself in. At least this morning I have one advantage - AWARENESS. I know I am tired, I know I have a lot on my plate today, I know that after a spiritual victory that Satan is going to regroup and attack from a flanking position.
I have a brilliant strategy for times like this. Just get through the day without doing anything stupid. I will do all the good things people tell us to do: pray, read my bible, etc., but my primary strategy for today is persevere and be ready to fight another day. Sometimes a boxer takes a round off to regain his strength, Jesus used to retire from the multitudes for prayer and solitude with His Father.
So now its time for a cup of coffee, a moment of prayer, and a detemination to fight through the lethargy of the day after.
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