"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Actions always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."
Frank Tibolt
- I don't have the time right now.
- I don't have the financial resources.
- I am not sure how to market my idea.
- Some day I am going to . . .
What is the problem? There is not a sufficient amount of activity (movement of water) to sustain life in the pond (yes the fish have survived). Our dreams and ambitions can fall prey to the same malady - inactivity. Our lives become comfortable, dormant and sedentary then undesireable characteristics start to grow. We begin to grow complacent, doubts creep into our mind and it just becomes easier to do nothing.
The answer is pretty simple - execute your dreams, start something good today. Maybe its the exercise program you were considering, or taking the first steps in initiating a new project, or maybe that book you want to write. The longer you sit there, the greater the risk of weeds taking over your garden or worse, complacency taking over you life.
You're "in the zone" lately!!!!!
Yes! I have allowed complacency into my life. I didn't see it coming, I didn't know it was there. It has been there so long, that I have allowed bad habits to creep in and join it.
You are right, we only have today!
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