
When did you say . . .

"So when did you say you were going to get around to that?"  Someday I am going to live in a house on a beach in Belize. Someday I want to travel and see all the countries of the world. Someday I . . .

We do a lot of talking when we should be doing a lot of living. Don't misunderstand, you can't live an untethered life without a plan. You have to put some money away. You have to know  how you are going to sustain the lifestyle you want. You have to be assertive in achieving your goals.

I turned 50 this year I realized I am not where I want to be in a lot of areas. There are things I should have accomplished by now, books that should be written, speeches I wish I would have made, people that I should be close to. This is not a "woe is me" laundry list of unfinished dreams, but a reminder to get after it.

When did you say you are going to get around to that - TODAY! Today I will take significant steps towards fulfilling some of those dreams. I will move closer to my goals. I will accomplish something tangible that reminds me I am moving in the right direction.

How about you?

1 comment:

Dale's Spot said...

Amen brother. That connects with my heart. And, while there are things you wish you had done, and I pray you continue to press toward them...you have done so much more than most of us! I thank God for you.