

As I contemplate 51 years on this planet the first thing that came to my mind are the friendships that have enriched my life. For all the time I spent working to accumulate STUFF - not a single posession I have ever owned came to my mind. Cars, motorcycles, houses and land haven't left even the smallest dent on my memory, but the people I have known, loved and shared life with are my most treasured posessions.

When I got up this morning I opened my Facebook account to a host of "Happy Birthday" notices from friends past and present. Each little icon with a picture of a friendship I made brought back fond memories of a rich and full life. All too often we take those things for granted.

Darlene, the little girl who lived next door as a child. My first childhood sweetheart and the girl who saved my life when I was four. Joe, my friend through most of my grade-school years. We lost touch for over a decade before reconnecting a few years back. Jim, my college room mate, friend and hiking buddy. The people in towns where I preached, the touch-points with people on mission trips, the romances and heartaches life all included people and not things.

I have bought and sold STUFF my whole life. Things I thought I had to have ended up in garage sales or the trash can. Cars that I thought defined me instead brought debt, frustration, and disappointment. The latest electronics that were essential to business success are now outdated and sitting in a drawer somewhere, but my friends endure and enrich my life. Like a fine wine their value increases each and every year. No investment in my life has brought greater returns than those people I call my friends.

So as I contemplate being 51 - today is not about me, but about each of you who have made my life better. Thank you and God bless you!

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