All of the fumbling that is going on in Washington reminds of a great statement by Eugene McCarthy. "The only thing that saves us from bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty." And for those who complain about gridlock - I see gridlock the way a doctor sees his Hypocratic Oath. "First do no harm..." Wouldn't that be a novel approach to passing new legislation - apply the Hypocratic Oath to the Healthcare debate.
I do admit to taking a certain twisted delight in the misadventures of the Copenhagen Climate Summit, the continued babbling of Al Gore, and the inability to gain consensus on any real issues beyond Hillary promising to throw more money down a black hole.
We stand at risk of continuing to lose certain freedoms in this country, but my resolve is boolstered and optimism is rising because there are a growing number of Americans who refuse to surrender their liberty. We are fed up with tyrants who live by double standards. We are through allowing our elected officials to infringe on our freedoms, rob us of our hard earned money and threaten to restrict more and more of the rights guaranteed to us under the constitution.
That is the beauty of liberty. You may take my money, lock up my guns and try to silence me in a cold, dark prison somewhere, but you will never take from me my liberty. That is what makes the words of Patrick Henry so powerful, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
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