
The Attitude of Winners

"If you even dream of beating me, you better wake up and apologize." Muhammad Ali

There were a lot of people who didn't like the arrogance of Muhammad Ali. That same statement could be made about General George Patton, Jimmy Connors, Ty Cobb, Richard Branson and scores of other individuals who lived confident, unapologetic lives; but the bottom line is they are winners.

I am not suggesting that we have to embrace every behavior, but a strong sense of self, the ability to believe in our dreams when others laugh, the power to move confidently in the direction of our greatest ambition when the world calls us fools - these are the characteristics that set winners apart from the rest of the masses of bright, intelligent, talented individuals who lack that little something extra.

I remember reading a story about a young man who asked a successful mentor what it takes to get ahead. The answer was very telling - "and then some." Do the best you feel you can do, "and then some." Give your employer all that he asks for, "and then some." Work as hard as anyone else you know, "and then some."

Winners know there is something deep inside them that makes them winners. We should not be offended because they bask in their own excellence - we should be challenged by it.

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