
Deep thoughts and fun moments

For everyone who added ideas for me to blog about - thank you. I have taken them all very seriously, especially the colonoscopy recommended by my most twisted brother (you are probably not surprised). I will address each of your recommendations soon, some require more time and thought than others.

Posting the survey also got to thinking about how we are all in different places, have different needs and seeking different answers (or at times confirmation of our beliefs). That is why God gave us friends to speak into our lives. I am always touched by the comments I recieve to this blog, but even more I am humbled when someone comes up and comments (I often think no one is reading).

This week I was reminded of a book I read called "Givers and Takers." The title is self-explanatory, there are givers in this world and takers. All too often the givers are taken advantage of by the takers. That is just another reason I use this platform to try to speak into the lives of others. I want to be a giver - even if it means being taken advantage of once in a while.

So, reading through the comments of my recent poll reminded me of the deep conversations I have had with many of you, but also all the fun times I have enjoyed. One great thing about social networking is remember all the laughs, fun and trouble we caused together.

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