
Two-phase living

We all feel the constant tension between finding contentment in the moment, and pursueing unmet desires in our life. Maintaining the necessary drive and tension to accelerate your goals and finding peace and contentment in the moment is not an easy task. Too much contentment can lead to lethargy and inaction while being single-mindedly driven can rob us of the joy of the moment.

The key to effective two-phase living is finding joy and contentment in the process of pursueing your goals. If you will allow me a personal example: There are certain financial goals I have set for myself that will allow me to pursue other passions in my life (more time hunting, fishing and exploring nature). I have choosen a couple of avenues to reach those goals (avenues that I enjoy). Advocare allows me to pursue my health and fitness goals, while writing is a welcome relief and catharsis. Each of these also provides some income opportunities that drive the bigger picture.

A few years ago a dear friend relayed a story to me. He was offered an opportunity to work with a very wealthy and successful individual with the promise of a huge payoff at the end. It was the kind of offer many people dream of. It didn't take long until he was earning a great salary and in few years could easily realize most of his financial dreams. There was only one problem - he had no life outside of work. His family suffered, his outlook on life suffered, and ultimately his health started to suffer. After about a year he realized there is more to life than money. Today he is living a modest lifestyle on an island in the South Pacific.

Balance, drive, desire, contentment and goals can sometimes all seem to mitigate against one another. It takes time, planning and a good understanding of self before you can find a healthy balance.

P.S. In a future blog I will deal with how to factor other's expectations of us into pursuing our dreams. No man lives unto himself, or dies unto himself.

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