

I was sitting this morning thinking about all the excuses I used to make for not getting healthy and fit.  Then I began to think of all my friends who have complimented my success, but then made excuses for their own inability to commit to some form of diet and exercise. Here are a few:
  • People should love me for who I am. (Yes, but if you love others don't you want to bless them with a long, healthy life).
  • I enjoy good food - I prefer to enjoy life and die happy. (Do you really enjoy the side-effects of poor health - I didn't. Are you really happy with yourself when you look in the mirror)?
  • You mean I have to give up ice cream at bedtime. (Yes, you have to make sacrifices if you want to succeed. Do you really want to wake up 1 or 2 pounds heavier every week)?
  • __________________________ Fill in the blank. Don't think I am not compassionate, because I was that same person. I made all the excuses. I even reached the point more than once (in failed attempts), and just said, "whats the use!"
I feel very hypocritical writing this blog. I have not arrived. I still have cravings and cheat at times. Who am I to preach to others about health and fitness when I spent more than a decade allowing my body to atrophy on the couch. It is my hope and prayer that because I do understand that I can speak frankly about the need to change.

I am going to place a challenge before you. Answer these questions and then ask yourself if you can make a positive change for one day:
  1. What is the single most damanging obstacle to your good health? Is it a certain food, your hatred of exercise, what? For me it was eating late (especially chips, sodas, cheese and crackers and snack foods. I probably consumed 1,000 calories after dinner each night).
  2. Deep down, do you want to change? Do you want to feel better, look better and have more energy? Don't lie to yourself on this one - look in the mirror when you ask yourself this.
  3. Can you devote one day to good health?
I had no idea when all this started I would or could lose 38 lbs. I wanted to lose 10 so I could go to the beach and not be totally ashamed of how I looked. It was amazing what taking life one-day-at-a-time can do. After a couple days I lost a pound, then two, then five. Here is what happens if you take things one day at time.
  • Day One: I feel terrible. I don't want to walk, much less run. By 8:00 pm I am dying inside and want to raid the fridge for something / anything to eat.
  • Day Five: I have been walking for a few days, lost a couple of pounds and feel a little encouraged. I still want to snack at night. I wish there where bigger portioins on my plate at mealtime and the cravings are awful.
  • Day Ten: I have lost 8 lbs. I find that I can't eat as large a meal as I once did. I walked over 3 miles for the first time in a long time. The cravings are starting to subside and I am not as hungry all the time.
  • Two Weeks: I have lost 10 lbs. and I feel differently about everything. I believe in myself and my ability to succeed. I still like good food, but don't crave the sweets, refined sugars and empty carbs as much anymore.
  • Four Weeks: Lost over 20 lbs. and I am a different person. I can run for change. I feel energized. I work more effectively. I eat 5 times a day and rarely do I feel hungry.
  • Two Months: Lost 37 lbs. and I am an advocate for change - ONE DAY AT A TIME!  Set small goals for each day. Then set small goals for each week. Before you know it - you won't recongize the person in the mirror.
Two final things that keep me motivated. I have a picture of my "fat" self on my phone. I look at it occasionally to remind me not to go back there. Second, and I hate to admit this - I love the response I get from people who haven't seen me in a while. About a week ago a friend walked past me about 10 feet then stopped and turned around - "what have you done to yourself," was the response. That feels so much better than the short-term high I get from hot fudge lava cake.

Why are you letting these things stand between you and success?

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