I think it is time for more than a few parents to read the handwriting on the wall. Not the palace wall, but their children's Facebook wall. I believe if they did many would find the friends, comments and moral conduct of their children, "to be found wanting." I realize these are harsh words, but in reviewing our own children's friends lists, we were shocked by some of the things we observed - let me share a few with you.
- Course, crude and at times extremely foul language. In many instances I was shocked that it wasn't just language posted on their wall by others (that had not been removed), but some of our Christian friends language in commenting on others pages, pictures and posts.
- Immodest conduct. This could fall into a number of categories, but it includes pictures of young people at what appears to be wild parties with drinking and questionable conduct and less than modest attire. On more than one occasion my wife has commented, my child would be in hot water if they were parading around like that in public. (Not to say ours are perfect by any stretch, but Facebook allows us to monitor friends, attire and behavior when our children are away from home). You can always count on one of your kid's friends to post the most immodest pictures or comments.
- There will be those who scrutinize my kids pages to find some fault in them. Mine are not perfect, but if you find unChristian content - let us know and we will deal with it.
- I imagine a lot of the kids who are friends of my kids will block us from their pages. Before you do realize, we have a rule at our house - "if you block the parents, you get taken off our kids pages." We want to know what is going on in our kids lives, and that includes the company they keep (online and off).
- Some parents will take the time to look at their kids pages and then sit down and have a serious conversation about appearances. If this is just 1 in a 100 then I consider this post to be a success.
Trent Wheeler