
Thanksgiving 2010

We all recall the stories of the early pilgrims struggling through the first seasons of sowing and harvest. We reminisce about the native American's who shared their maize and meats with the early settlers.

Today's Thanksgiving observance is steeped in lots of family tradition and an immense amount of calories. I would guess that most people take a few minutes around the table to count their blessings and offer the obligatory thanksgiving prayer. Others take some real time to focus on all the abundance God has given us in this great nation.

This year I am truly thankful. When we stop and think about Thanksgiving, pause for just a minute and remember where you have the good fortune to live. In Haiti there are still millions of people without homes, living under the most Spartan of shelters and battling cholera, dysentery and disease. In many regions of Africa tribes are rising up against other tribes and committing acts of violence and attrocities that would shake the core of our sensibilitites.  There are children who go to bed without anything to eat, millions who are dying of AIDS in Africa, and the billions (yes billions) who don't even have potable water to drink, wash or cook with. These are not the apocryphal stories we tell our children when they don't eat their brussel sprouts. These are real people, hungry, struggling for their daily survival and in desparate need of food, shelter and care.

I don't respond well to guilt, and I am sure there are others like me, so rather than appeal to your guilt and shame, I am going to appeal to your compassion and empathy. I would venture to say that our family will spend in the hundreds of dollars this year just on groceries for Thanksgiving (add in the decorations, table settings, etc. etc.) and I really don't want to know what the bill will be.

This year I plan to celebrate my thankfulness to God by sharing those blessings with others and I am asking you join me. Most of you have good works you support (please send a little something extra this week to help make a difference). If you don't have a charity of choice, this year I have added a special work that needs my help (and yours). If you can send a little something extra, please join with me in helping the organization below:

Manuelito Navajo Children's Home
P.O. Box 58
Gallup, NM  87305
(505) 863-5530

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