
Dealing with mean people.

I read a great blog from a friend entitled, "I quit." In it, he discusses all the foolishness and thoughtless that ministers face. As I have contemplated his post a few thoughts came to mind. So bear with me while I share my thoughts about dealing with mean people.
  • It only takes a couple of jerks to make your life miserable. Most of the  headaches, criticisms and complaints come from a small majority of people. Jesus even warned us, "beware when all men speak well of you..." (Luke 6:26). We have to work hard not to let mean people ruin our day.
  • Don't put up with foolishness! When you allow people to behave badly, it empowers them. You are not the only person they treat that way. I am tired of hearing people say, I have to be more diplomatic in my job, or if I say something it might be perceived wrong. Too often we disguise weakness as diplomacy.
  • Stand up for someone else. If you see a co-worker being treated badly, stand up for them. If your preacher is being skewered for a courageous sermon, speak out in support. Enough of this wimpy, mealy-mouth Christianity that so many would have us embrace.
  • Stop whining and act! "Life is so hard, people treat me badly, I want to give up." Wallowing in our own self-pity doesn't do anything but enable bullies and tyrants. If you are not willing to stand up for yourself or on principle then don't expect others to stand up for you.
I have found two approaches to mean people that seems to work: 1) To my critics who have little influence or ability to hurt me I simply laugh or pity them; 2) To those with intent to malign my character, hurt my family or damage my influence I choose to stand up, speak up and if possible have them shut up.

To the rest of you who make up my wonderful circle of friends (about 98% of you out there), thank you. You have been my rock and my strength when I have struggled. You have picked me up when I was fallen and you prayed for me and cared for me when I was weak. I will never allow the other 2% to diminish the good you have brought to my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay - Guilty! Mean people can be like water running down hill - they erode layer after layer and leave you bare! Good point - stop the water before it starts wearing you down.

Very timely words. God seems to bring the message to me when I need it most. Thanks Trent!

Tim West