
The Sisters of Angelica

Traveling around the world provides a wonderful backdrop for meeting the most interesting people. I have debated writing a book about all the characters and personalities I have sat beside on my many flights across the globe.

Returning from Dallas I had the pleasure of meeting the group I call the Sisters of Angelica, (not really sisters). Four older women from the suburbs of Philadelphia who were just returning from a "pilgrimage" to visit Mother Angelica and her Eternal Word Television Network. These women were laughing, boistrous, slightly profane and at first just a little irritating. They had classic northeastern accents and typified all the negative stereotypes that might enter one's mind. They raised a few fellow passenger's eyebrows to say the least.

Sitting next to a couple of the ladies my first reaction was to take a deep breath, close my eyes and ride out the remainder of the flight the best I could. It was about that time I realized they weren't hurting anyone and if I listened real carefully I was sure to have an entertaining flight (and I wasn't disappointed). For the next sixty minutes I listened to the golden girls share their spiritual exploits (along with a few other interesting stories). It took all I could muster to sit there with my eyes closed and stoic look on my face while belly-busting laughter was begging to slip past my lips.

It was a great reminder of some important lessons about living an untethered life:
  1. We shouldn't be so quick to judge others. Yes, they were a little loud. Yes, at times they may not have stopped to think about how their animated enthusiasm might be affecting other passengers, but they were having such a good time, who was I (or anyone else) to spoil it.
  2. I was reminded to loosen up and live a little. These four women were so full of life (and vinegar) that it was inspiring to just be around them. They were soaking in the moments and fully engaged in the experience of living.
  3. Finally, I was reminded that its the characters and personalities in this world that add some needed seasoning to the vanilla existence that so many live. Toss in a little hot sauce, sprinkle on a little oregano, and sieze the day.
So thank you to my new found friends (I did take the opportunity to get to know these beloved ladies) and the life lessons they taught me. As they return to the city of brotherly love, I hope that others will embrace the quirks and perculiarities of life just like the dear Sisters of Angelica.


Alyssa'Beth said...

Dad! I love that you have chosen to losen up a bit over the years, its been a blessing to many! And i love that a couple of crazy old ladies can do that! Just like Granny and her clan of card playing women! "Pickalittle talkalittle Cheap Cheap cheap talkalot pickalittle" lol I love that i can be just as livley and crazy as you are! love you


Helyn Young said...

Yes, it is amazing how our attitude to something can change the situation.

A child in worship making a noise might produce a frown towards the mother one week and the next just a feeling of sympathy for her as she struggles to keep her child quiet.

When we are having a bad attitude everyone else just has to wear it. But we are choosing to be in that mind space. How unfair is that? How many do we hurt because we are having a bad day?