Each day is filled with decisions that will take you closer to where we want to be or farther from your dreams. Do I turn right, or left when I come to a fork in the road? Let me give you a simple example from this week. About a week ago I bought a couple of Kit Kat candy bars. I ate one and left the other in the fridge at work. Over the weekend I decided it was time to get serious about my eating habits and get back to the gym. This morning I went to the fridge to get a bottled water (that I spike with Hydroxycut) and staring at me was the abandoned Kit Kat bar. A simple decision right - eat it and move further from my goals, give it to a co-worker and move closer to my goals (not that it helped their diet any). Fortunately I also had 100 calorie Slim Fast bars in my drawer making my decision easier.
Making a series of small, but RIGHT decisions makes an impact. Here is a list of decisions I made this week to move closer to some of my goals:
- I opened an Amazon resllers account so I can sell some old books gathering dust (made $32.50 the first day). I also plan to sell fundraising guides designed for the Kindle Reader.
- I added three new books to my personal development list to read and started the first one.
- I ordered P90X to suppliment my workouts (or as I understand - it becomes the workout).
- I didn't eat that candy bar today and gave it away so I wouldn't be tempted.
- After this blog I will return to writing the first fundraising guide designed for high school bands, sports teams, or any agency needing to raise a few hundred to a few thousand dollars (as a group or individually).
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