- Was Todd's father the textbook case of an overbearing, controlling father?
- Did Todd squander his opportunities for greatness on drugs and alcohol?
- Was Todd the innocent victim of other's expectations?
The truth is Todd's life isn't much differen than yours or mine. No, I never used cocaine. I have only been in prison by choice (visiting a friend or attempting to do prison ministry). I did at times have a strained relationship with my own father, but I now understand he only wanted what was best for his boys. I was never a top athelete and didn't play professional sports. As a matter of fact I have never been the "star performer" in any avenue of my life. So how are Todd and I alike? Simple, life happens to us all.
There have been days in my life when I couldn't hardly get off my knees because I was so low, discouraged and defeated all I could do was pray. There were times I prayed the most fervent prayers imaginable, but those prayers were for God to take and take me now. I have known the struggle of not knowing how I was going to face another day.
Now I find that most days I am the optimist. Life is still hard. I struggle with politics, religion and the economic morass that is our country, but I CHOOSE happiness. I choose to look for the bright side of life. I choose to believe that better days are ahead. Could I be wrong? Absolutely, but I will not surrender today worrying about tomorrow.
How we live each day is choice. Sometimes you hear people blaming their lives on others. That's just too easy. You can change the circumstances of your life. You can be happier, live life more fully and be the kind of person who brings sunshine and promise into the lives of others.