Here is my list of things that tend to complicate life - and maybe a few suggestions for simplifying.
- STUFF- I could write columns and columns on this one area. What is the old saying, "We buy stuff we don't need to impress people we don't like with money we don't have." We buy it, we charge it, we covet it, then we have to care for it, protect it, fuss about it - until that day it becomes fodder for our garage sale - then will sell it for ten cents on the dollar. The answer may seem like an verbal placibo, but simplify. The older I get, the less I want stuff and the more I want quiet, peace of mind and time for relaxation.
- SHORT-TERM GRATIFICATION - It could be the ice cream sunday that I really shouldn't eat after a big meal at O'Charley's, or buying things on credit, to indulging myself by sleeping an extra hour when I should get up and go to the gym. We live in a "I want it now" generation and all too often we don't stop and ask ourselves the long-term impact of short-term gratification..
- RELATIONSHIPS - Laura Schlessinger wrote a couple of books about the things people do to mess up their lives and a lot of it is relationship driven. I recall reading an interview with basketball great Grant Hill. As he was talking about the importance of character he said, "Even though my parents had to deal with people of questionable character in their work, they were never invited into our home. My parents wanted me to be exposed to people of character." We make the decisions concerning the people who influence us, how they influence us and how much access they gain. It is easy to blame others for our circumstances, but if we look really deeply, how often have we given access to people who give us grief. Make good choices people!
- LEARN TO RELAX - Just read the story of Mary & Martha. Growing up my mother would jump up from the table and have to get the dishes cleared and things cleaned up rather than stop and enjoy her company. As she grew older she came realize the dishes can wait. Sometimes there is a fine line between being responsible and learning to relax, but in this ultra-busy world we live in I think we err on the side of "being responsible" all too often.